Turning Interest into Action
The Kaiser High School Athletic Foundation exists today because of the impact that the athletic program had on so many since 1972. Creating the non-profit organization was another opportunity to get alumni involved and one of many ways to express their gratitude by supporting the athletic program. The original founders were alumni from the class of 1976 and former athletic directors (Scot Long, David Uchiyama, Edsel Yamada, Terry Shimabukuro, Scott Chan, and Theodore Fukushima) who shared the same vision. The foundation is proud to say that we have successfully served and supported the athletic program since 2010.
Today, our efforts continue as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit public charity with the desire for our actions to
speak louder than words.

Together anything is possible
As alumni, former student-athletes and faculty members, many of us enjoyed the luxury of being part of a brand new school with current athletic amenities. Although experiencing our share of challenges, it still afforded us the opportunity to raise our competitive edge to meet our future endeavors. It is our sincere hope that you will join us so that we may continue to provide the support that will allow our current and future student-athletes to succeed and thrive in a very competitive environment as we did.
We are pleased to share the list of projects entirely funded by the foundation and/or accommodated through the administration, athletic department, KHS alumni and state legislative process. Mahalo for your support!
Special acknowledgment:
Representative Mark Hashem
Council member Calvin Say
Council member Tommy Waters
Representative Ken Ito
Senator Michelle Kidani
Senator Pohai Ryan
Weight Room - Upgrade/Expand by moving to a new location on campus (Auto Shop)
Gym - Refinish the gym floor
Training Room – Upgrade
Varsity Locker room - Provided lockers for the Boys’ Varsity Locker room
Varsity Locker room – Shower / Storage room upgrade/repairs
Football - Field Turf Installation/Replacement (Admin/Legislative Support)
Track - Resurfacing (Admin/Legislative Support)
Stadium Press box - Fresh coat of paint
Varsity Locker room - Women's (Admin / Legislative Support)
Baseball Scoreboard -Upgrade/Repairs
Baseball / Softball – Batting cage
Pool - Bleachers and Security Wall / Painting of the interior and exterior
Pool - Painting of the Cougar Logo
Pool - Relocate starting blocks
Pool - Upgrade/New lane floaters
Track/Field Run off drain for the Pole Vault / Long Jump runway
Tennis – Fence line Custom Logo Windscreens for all courts
Tennis – Replace Security door to team/locker room/building logo Sign
Athletic Concession Stand - Upgrade
Athletic Program – Provide four (4) $1500 scholarships annually to the top student-athletes presented at the Athletic Banquet.Recipients selected by the Athletics Director, Coaches, Administration, Faculty Staff, Teammates.