As your newly elected Kaiser High School Athletic Foundation President, it brings me great pleasure to be part of this organization that provides support to Kaiser's Coaches and Athletes in many ways.
Under the guidance and leadership of our previous President, Mr. Theodore Fukushima, we have recently finished Phase One of the batting cage, the painting of the Ted Fukushima Athletic Complex and ticket booth, and installation of new windscreens on the tennis court fences. The past two and a half years have hit our student athletes hard and we want to do all we can to keep our sports programs healthy. We all know how important it is to have athletic programs which build character and keep our youth active. Success at Kaiser High School is beneficial to our community and we are proud to know we are helping to achieve this goal. The pandemic restrictions have kept us from holding our fundraising Luau for almost three years and we would appreciate your consideration for a donation, which is tax deductible for our 501(C)3.
Your generous donation will allow the foundation to continue fulfilling the legacy of Mr. Fukushima by supporting the Kaiser High School Athletic Program. We look forward to celebrating our Luau event in 2023 as we continue to honor our future inductees. In the interim, we thank you for your consideration and your trust in our Foundation to support our student athletes.
Rick Nakashima President KHSAF KHS Class of '77

Your tax deductible donation not only supports the athletic program; it also affords the student-athlete the opportunity to strive academically through the scholarship program.
Available through your credit card/debit card, Apple Pay and PayPal account. Click the "Donate" button below and complete your transaction.
Please make checks payable to the Kaiser High School Athletic Foundation
Kaiser High School Athletic Foundation
P.O. Box 25112
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96825
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Mahalo for your support!